Bill, i’m constantly trying to work towards starting my own business, how did you get started?
I wish you the best with the improvements you are making in your life. Nothing stays the same, requiring us to keep up and make improvements. The biggest change in my life was retiring from a great company after spending almost 40 years in a successful career and a business I loved. I had to give up company credit cards, free travel, free meals, and lots of benefits. This meant remaking my life. I started volunteering to help people with disabilities to become independent. They needed activities or jobs to improve their lives.
I built a hobby shop to develop new ideas. As a result some kitchen ideas evolved that I received patents for. I formed a small company called The Hobbye Shoppe LLC to build and market the products.
Community outreach is important, how do you give back?
With some simple tools I setup a production line that allowed individuals with limited skill or with disabilities to manufacture the products. The quality was so good I decided to let them make the product and I will do the marketing. Money is raised from selling the products, the group earns an income, and some of the profit is donated back to the organization.I have to say my life has improved. I continue to look for new ideas to grow the company and help those who need it the most. You can see these products on my website: https://cleantowel.org/ I am having fun learning marketing and seeing these individuals become independent.