Today brings back many memories for me. As a 5 year old boy, I lost an uncle in WWII in the Battle of the Bulge. I made a special trip this weekend to the beautiful hills of Eastern Kentucky to visit family and walk the cemeteries where many of my ancestors are buried. I discovered a WWI vet grave marker, my uncle’s marker; Korean War vets markers, and others I grew up with. The place is called Sizemore Branch by those who live there now and those who have moved away. There is no name to identify the place. It is an unknown place to the rest of the world, but as I walked among the grave sites, I wondered if any of the neighbors ever thought about the number of men and women who served our country from that little branch, about one mile in length. May we never forget them for their contribution to our country and the freedoms we enjoy? I would like to hear from others who would like to see the place have a name and our vets, who served our country, recognized. If you have a family member who server in the military from that area, let me know.